What is it that makes a space special? Why do some spaces speak to your soul, while others feel contrived, forced, or just “miss the mark”? How do you create an emotional connection in a space that must be experienced to be understood?The answer is in the basic design elements and principles that exist just below our visual perceptions. The interplay of lines, the contrast of textures, the perfectaccent of color to make an emphatic statement. The way forms balance and create a definable rhythm as they move you along a path — a journey of anticipation. When we view a space, we visualize the hidden potential and know intuitvely how to bring thatvision to life. Our passion is connecting people to the spaces they call home, creating an emotional experience for them to enjoy every day.

Jason is a Cerified Watershape Design Master, and a
recognized leader in the Pool and Outdoor Living Industry.
He teaches classes through the PHTA/Genesis and
Watershape University programs on Design, Hydraulics,
and Construction Details to all students
of all levels in the industry.
Starting in 2022, he will be a featured speaker at a series
of 2-day industry events held across the country. Check
back to see when we will be in your area!